Monday, February 20, 2017

Kiwi Model Sheets


Here are some designs for a character of mine, Keesh Kiwi... He's a good egg.

- His design is inspired by the Looney Tunes and Woody Woodpecker.
- I wanted his beak to have a distinct shape. It can be difficult to keep the mass of his beak the same between frames and drawings.
- Kiwi birds have whiskers which I wanted in the designs.
- Kiwi birds don't have tails or teeth but Keesh Kiwi does.
- These are from 2009 and 2010 but I still draw Keesh from time to time.
- In the 2009 concepts, Keesh has red stars swirling around his head. This is a reference to the four red stars on the New Zealand flag.

PS: It was Facebook memories that prompted me to post these images.


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